Current research interests
- Tectonic geomorphology of active strike-slip faults, in particular interactions between tectonic and geomorphic processes in mountainous regions.
- Paleoseismology of multiple-fault rupture earthquakes, in particular what controls rupture propagation across discrete faults or fault segments.
- Controls, evolution, and hazards of deep-seated gravitational slope deformation (DSGSD or sackung), in particular their relation to active faulting.
- Glacial and periglacial geomorphology, in particular those of Antarctica and Japan Alps.
Principal field and laboratory methods
- Detailed geomorphological interpretation and mapping using stereo-paired aerial photographs and stereo-paired DEM-derived images
- Coring and trench/pit excavations
- Geochronology with tephra analysis, radiocarbon dating, and surface exposure dating
- GIS analysis and numerical modelling of crustal deformation and landscape evolution
paleoseismic trench on the Neodani fault, central Japan / autumn red leaves, Etsumi Mountains, central Japan
Landers earthquake area, Mojave Desert, California / Jutulrøra nunatak, east Antarctica
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